MS4 Permit Support Services

Our specialized services allow a municipality to increase its understanding of an issued Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Permit through cost effective program and project development. Our team of Engineers, Landscape Architects, Scientists and Construction Managers provide a complete set of tools to address all components of an MS4 permit and corresponding Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) for a municipality.


  • SWMP Audit
  • SWMP Management
  • Good Housekeeping Compliance (Minimum Control Measure 6)
  • Watershed Action Plan – Watershed Based Quantification
  • MS4 Permit Compliance Support
  • Monitoring /Outfall Screening
  • Construction Maintenance Services


Mike LaSala, CPMSM, CSI
Specialist/Analyst | MS4 Program Manager

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Cocalico Creek

Cocalico Creek Watershed Restoration Plan

LandStudies used a comprehensive approach to evaluate specific problems within the Cocalico Creek watershed ...
Fox Run Floodplain Restoration

Fox Run Floodplain Restoration

Dover Township to achieve pollutant reductions through floodplain restoration to fulfill obligations of a Regional Pollution Reduction Plan ...
Lititz Run at Oak Street Floodplain Wetland Restoration

Lititz Run at Oak Street Floodplain Wetland Restoration

LandStudies was hired by the Borough of Lititz to restore a wetland within the floodplain of Lititz Run that has ...
Manheim Township Stream Restoration & Water Quality BMPs for Pollutant Reduction Plan

Manheim Township Stream Restoration & Water Quality BMPs for Pollutant Reduction Plan

We identified and implemented Best Management Practices (BMPs) to fulfill goals of the Township’s Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) ...
Marietta Region Watershed Action Plan

Marietta Region Watershed Action Plan

A comprehensive, community-based approach was developed to plan for recreation and economic development based on sound watershed management ...
MS4 Permit Support Services

MS4 Permit Support Services

Our specialized services allow a municipality to increase its understanding of an issued Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Permit through ...
New Street Park Phase II Best Management Practices

New Street Park Phase II Best Management Practices

The project includes stream bank stabilization, riparian buffers, and bio-retention (bump-outs) to achieve nutrient and sediment reductions ...
Penn State Hershey Medical Center Stormwater Regulatory Compliance Support

Penn State Hershey Medical Center Stormwater Regulatory Compliance Support

The facilities director for the Penn State Hershey Medical Center (PSHMC) campus was looking for more sustainable alternatives to manage ...

Warwick Twp/Lititz Borough MS4 Compliance Support

The project addresses Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) permit requirements ...
York City Watershed Action Plan

York City Watershed Action Plan

The comprehensive Green Infrastructure Action Plan was developed to implement Best Management Practices and improve water quality ...

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