Lititz Run at Oak Street Floodplain Wetland Restoration


LandStudies was hired by the Borough of Lititz to restore a wetland within the floodplain of Lititz Run that has been affected by historic human activity such as mill operations, channel straightening, road development and bridge construction, which have indirectly and directly led to the alteration and degradation of the stream and associated floodplain wetlands.


The Borough of Lititz received a DEP Local Stormwater BMP Implementation Grant to create a low wetland area to reduce pressure on the streambanks and provide a biologically diverse, high quality wetland to treat stormwater run-off from the watershed. The restored wetland functions by cleaning high water from Lititz Run and run-off from Oak Street by filtering harmful pollutants. The wetland is planted with native wetland plants to increase biodiversity and create wildlife habitat while improving water quality. Trees and shrubs were also installed along the riparian buffer as stormwater BMPs to help stabilize streambanks, reduce water temperatures, and also filter out pollutants in the stormwater runoff. Educational signage has been installed at the end of an ADA accessible pathway to provide community education regarding riparian buffers and the restored wetlands.


Assessment | Design | Engineering | Permitting | Construction | Construction Management | Monitoring

Client: Lititz Borough

Location: Lititz, Pa.


After – post construction flood event


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