Dover Township to achieve pollutant reductions through floodplain restoration to fulfill obligations of a Regional Pollution Reduction Plan.
The project addresses Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) permit requirements
Four phases have been constructed and monitoring provides data in support of efforts to infiltrate and recharge the groundwater supply
The planning approach includes four components: community organization, public outreach/education, management/planning, and project implementation
This project is unique because of its status as a pilot project to help establish nutrient pollution trading parameters
The project includes stream bank stabilization, riparian buffers, and bio-retention (bump-outs) to achieve nutrient and sediment reductions
LandStudies used a comprehensive approach to evaluate specific problems within the Cocalico Creek watershed
We identified and implemented Best Management Practices (BMPs) to fulfill goals of the Township’s Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP).