Lancaster Township Floodplain Restoration
Landscape Architecture | Stormwater Management BMP’s | Stream and Floodplain Restoration
Project DescriptionLandStudies, Inc. and Thomas Committa Associates, Inc. (TCA) collaborated on the improvements to a 4.75 acre estate in Lancaster Township. TCA oversaw the implementation of the proposed landscape enhancements, which primarily reflect the owners’ favored English romantic landscape influences. LandStudies , Inc. proposed a stream restoration to both improve the ecological diversity and create a regenerative stormwater system to address stormwater management requirements. The goal of the proposed stormwater management package creates a more functional natural system that incorporates floodplain restoration and provides enhanced water quality and aesthetic value. Completed in September 2011, the project restored 535 linear feet of stream and reconnected the stream channel to the floodplain to improve water quality. Over 3,000 native plugs and over 150 native shrubs and trees were also installed. The project will also serve as an environmental education opportunity for local schools as an outdoor classroom. ServicesLandscape Architecture | Geomorphology | Engineering | Permitting | Construction | Landscaping Client: Private Resident Location: Lancaster Township, Pa. Note: Lancaster Township is the first township in Pennsylvania to approve floodplain restoration as a stormwater BMP (BMP 6.7.4 of the Pennsylvania Stormwater BMP Manual). |