TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm Afforestation & Floodplain Restoration
ProjectLandStudies, Inc. provided plant procurement, construction management and installation of 635 trees (1.5-2” cal. container and B&B), 612 shrubs (B&B), 53,750 herbaceous plugs, 2,080 gallon sized and 1,512 quart sized herbaceous material, and 173 shrubs as part of the restoration and afforestation along Rock Run and its three unnamed tributaries as part of the overall restoration of the TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm golf course in Potomac, Md. In addition, LandStudies, Inc. provided construction management and supervision for the installation of an additional 1,700 trees (1.5-2” cal. container and B&B) for the Forest Conservation Plan. Herbaceous plants were arranged and installed to achieve the design concept prepared by LandStudies, Inc. and the PGA. The layout was adapted as necessary to optimize the opportunities to increase aesthetic appeal and reduce costs wherever possible. After design by LandStudies, Inc. the planting was part of the restoration of 6,900 linear feet of stream channel and floodplain, creating 9.3 acres of functional wetlands in the restored floodplains. In addition to 10 acres of afforestation, the restoration has provided the following:
ServicesAssessment | Design | Permitting | Plant Installation | Construction Management Client: Professional Golf Association – PGA Location: Potomac, Maryland |