Maryland State Highway Administration Technical Services
Transportation and Infrastructure Impacts
Technical ServicesSince 2002, LandStudies, Inc. has provided a wide array of technical services to the Maryland State Highway Administration related to their Office of Bridge Development project planning and development. Some of the services provided on projects throughout the state include: field investigations and surveys; measurements of existing structures; development of stream cross sections; plan preparation; comprehensive floodplain studies that include hydrology and hydraulics; bridge stability studies; river mechanics, scour, fluvial geomorphology and stream sediment transport investigations; flood investigations; revisions to FEMA models; stormwater management studies and designs; and erosion and sedimentation control studies and designs. Watershed and Stream AssessmentsLandStudies, Inc. also performed numerous watershed and stream assessments throughout the State of Maryland covering Ridge and Valley, Piedmont, Blue Ridge, and Coastal Plains Physiographic Provinces. Highway HydraulicsIn addition, LandStudies, Inc. has been supporting the Highway Hydraulics Division in the study and design of stream restoration projects to achieve stormwater management credits for water quality and/or channel protection, and we have been working with the State Highway Administration staff to introduce the topic and design implications of restoring streams affected by Legacy Sediments. Client: Maryland State Highway Administration Location: Maryland |