Landis Homes Retirement Community Floodplain Restoration
Regional Stormwater Management and Floodplain Restoration
ChallengeAn expansion to the Landis Homes Retirement Community required additional stormwater management. The client’s goals were to improve stream function and the aesthetics of the community while minimizing the space devoted to stormwater management and increasing the space available to construct resident housing. SolutionLandStudies, Inc. designed a floodplain restoration project to address the many needs of the community. The floodplain restoration project has removed legacy sediment from the floodplain, increasing floodwater storage potential. In addition, the project has reduced stream bank erosion and promotes the infiltration and filtration of runoff resulting in water quality benefits. The floodplain was planted with diverse native vegetation, which will become an aesthetic asset to the community. The stormwater storage capacity of the floodplain restoration project will reduce the amount of useable space devoted to traditional stormwater basins and increase buildable acreage, allowing the construction of eleven additional cottage units. In order to validate the stormwater management functions of the floodplain restoration project, LandStudies, Inc. developed a modeling technique to demonstrate the stormwater benefits. ServicesGeomorphic Assessment | Stormwater Management | Permitting | Landscape Installation | Landscape Design | Construction Client: Landis Homes Retirement Community Location: Lititz, Pa. Awards: “2014 ForeverGreen Sustainable Site of the Year Award” U.S. Green Building Council of Central Pennsylvania |