Eastern University Natural Areas Management
ChallengeEastern University was looking to improve the overall function and aesthetics of the natural areas on their campus. Previous management strategies had been ineffective in managing the growth of invasive plant species in the natural areas, and the dense vegetation was out-competing existing native plants and blocking views to one of the campus’ key features, three ponds in the middle of the campus. The University needed a comprehensive approach to manage the natural areas and reconnect the centrally located ponds to campus users. SolutionLandStudies worked with the University and their planning firm, Derck and Edson, to develop a natural areas master plan that identified short- and long-term management strategies to return the natural areas into the vibrant, sustainable, native plant communities they once were. The plan also re-established visual connections between the Eastern University campus and the natural areas while improving the overall aesthetics and biodiversity of the site. Invasive plants are being managed and a diversity of native open and forest canopy vegetation are being re-established in a phased approach. ServicesInvasive Species Control | Master Planning Management | Native/Natural Landscaping | Landscape Architecture | Maintenance and Land Client: Eastern University Location: Radnor, Pennsylvania |