Cocalico Creek

Cocalico Creek Watershed Restoration Plan

Watershed Planning


The historic stream systems have been altered dramatically over time in this watershed. The results include severe flooding, degrading bridges, unstable and highly eroding streambanks, poor water quality, reduced base flow and a proliferation of noxious and invasive plant communities.


LandStudies took a comprehensive approach to evaluating four specific problems within the Cocalico Creek Watershed. The plan then addressed these concerns through prioritized restoration project recommendations as well as regulatory recommendations for municipalities to adapt. Through the integration of this information and understanding the ecological and hydrologic connections and relationships, LandStudies was able to identify 25 potential restoration sites. These sites were given priority rankings of high, medium, and low. Informational sheets about each site were created including the problems, potential solutions, benefits, estimated costs, and potential funding sources. A municipal “toolbox” was also created listing planning tools and suggested ordinances to address a variety of topics including education, agricultural land use, water supply, land use development, stormwater management, resource protection, and impervious cover.


Master Planning | Engineering Consulting | Design | Implementation Plan

Client:  Cocalico Creek Watershed Association

Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Cocalico Creek Watershed Restoration Plan - Watershed Planning - Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas

Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas

Priority Projects

Priority Projects


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