Bedford Springs Resort Stream & Floodplain Restoration
ChallengeThe golf course associated with the historic Bedford Springs Resort was still in use, but many of the course features were being threatened by flooding and erosion along Shober’s Run. The site contributed to non-point source pollution, and large storm events accelerated streambed and bank erosion and promoted bank failures of the existing vertical banks. SolutionLandStudies, Inc. designed and constructed a restoration project restoring approximately 6,800 linear feet of Shober’s Run. The floodplain was excavated to its historic elevation and an 80-foot minimum floodplain corridor was provided to allow high flows to access the floodplain, reducing shear stress on the bed and banks and providing flood storage during storm events. In-stream structures were installed in the channel to provide grade control, bank protection, and improve aquatic habitat. Twelve acres of wetlands were also created as a result of the restoration. Since project completion, LandStudies, Inc. has completed post-construction monitoring of the wetlands that were temporarily disturbed during construction, the mitigation wetlands associated with the Bedford Springs Hotel, and the stream and wetland restoration corridor along Shober’s Run. ServicesAssessment | Design | Engineering | Permitting | Construction | Construction Management | Monitoring Client: Bedford Springs Resort Location: Bedford, Pa. Awards: Golf Course Industry Magazine “Affinity Award for Best Environmental Project – Bedford Springs Old Course”, 2008 Golf Inc. “Renovation of the Year – 2008” |