Since 1995, LandStudies has led Pennsylvania in Watershed Planning with the first comprehensive Watershed Planning and Restoration program, Lititz Run. The approach required vision establishment, community messaging and communication, long-term planning and implementation and a design\build mentality that leverage all resources including municipal resources. The result has been what we have branded “Economic Ecology,” a systems based approach that provides incentives for smart growth while measurably improving the environment.

Chiques Creek Watershed Action Plan
This project was a component to the TMDL alternative developed by PA DEP and SRBC for the Chiques Creek Watershed ...

Cocalico Creek Watershed Restoration Plan
LandStudies used a comprehensive approach to evaluate specific problems within the Cocalico Creek watershed ...

Lititz Run Watershed Action Plan
The planning approach includes four components: community organization, public outreach/education, management/planning, and project implementation ...

Little Conestoga Watershed Action Plan
The plan provides guidance on where to focus efforts to improve water quality, minimize stormwater effects and improve riparian habitat ...

York City Watershed Action Plan
The comprehensive Green Infrastructure Action Plan was developed to implement Best Management Practices and improve water quality ...