Marietta Iron Furnace Park Dedication
LandStudies own Kelly Gutshall and Eric Lyons, along with local officials and residents including Lancaster County Commissioners Ray D’Agostino, Joshua Parsons, and John Trescot, gathered on June 24, 2022, to celebrate the dedication of the Marietta Iron Furnace Park. This park serves as the eastern gateway to Marietta Borough along the popular Northwest River Trail. The project was funded through grants from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), Chesapeake Bay Trust, and state road funds.
Five years ago, LandStudies prepared a Watershed Action Plan for Marietta Borough, which identified and prioritized the best locations where the borough could address stormwater issues for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit compliance. The Iron Furnace Park site was selected because of the opportunity to showcase various types of stormwater best management practices (BMPs), such as rain gardens, porous paving, and lawn conversion, in a park setting. In addition, improved pedestrian road crossings, trail lighting, signage, parking, and repaving of Furnace Road and Donegal Place were part of the project. LandStudies provided the design, engineering, and construction services for the project in partnership with C.S. Davidson, Inc.
Pictured from left to right: Marietta Borough Secretary/Treasurer Sharon Bradnick, former Marietta Borough Council President Glen Mazis, LandStudies President Kelly Gutshall, and LandStudies Landscape Architect/Project Manager Eric Lyons celebrate the grand opening of the Iron Furnace Park in Marietta.