Long-Term Management, Including Invasive Plant Control, at Butterfly Acres
Butterfly Acres is a housing development located in Lititz Borough, PA. In years past, a stormwater drainage swale ran through the development that was not well-maintained. The swale experienced significant erosion, was not properly filtering run-off, and was dominated by invasive plants. LandStudies helped develop a four-phase masterplan for the site that would make the swale effective again and improve the aesthetics of the site for those using the adjacent walking trail. Work was done between 2007 and 2011 to implement the site improvements. You can read more about that here.
In 2017, LandStudies developed a long-term management plan for the site to ensure proper functioning of the swale and surrounding site for many years to come. The plan includes recommendations for best management practices (BMPs) for the borough and its contractors to use, including:
- repair of the plunge pool at the primary outfall into the swale
- removal of residential yard waste dumping and education of the landowner so they don’t continue to dump
- control of some localized erosion before it grows into a larger issue
- removal of sediment in the swale
- removal of some trees that have grown in and around the swale
- creation of a management plan for invasive species removal
Focus on Invasive Plant Management at Butterfly Acres
As part of the management plan for Butterfly Acres, LandStudies is focusing on invasive plant management. The project site is approximately 2,250 feet long by 48 feet wide, encompassing a total of 2.5 acres. Invasive plants and undesirable weeds that can be found on-site include reed canary grass, giant ragweed, and various broadleaf weeds. LandStudies staff will selectively apply herbicides to the invasive plants in the spring and fall of 2017, being careful not to impact the desirable native vegetation there. They will also pull, mow, and string trim invasives, as well as remove their seed heads (also known as deadheading). This approach will be used only in select areas where it is difficult to use herbicide without harming the beneficial native plants.
The ultimate goal is to have a beautiful asset to the community that effectively manages stormwater and is properly managed to ensure long-term sustainability.