LandStudies’ Ryan Hartnett to Become Air Force Officer
LandStudies would like to thank Ryan Hartnett for his contributions to our company and his service to the country. Ryan lives in Middletown with his wife, Rachel. Starting in March 2017, he moved to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama to complete nine weeks of Officer Training School to become commissioned as an officer in the Air Force.
On completion of the training, Ryan will graduate on June 2, 2017 as a second lieutenant. From there, he will be stationed at Navy Air Station Pensacola in Florida to complete his schooling to become a Combat Systems Officer, also known as a navigator.
Ryan’s interest in aircraft has a lot to do with the fact that both his parents are computer engineers for The Boeing Company and Aerospace Corporation in California. He grew up around jets and planes and has always wanted to fly. He used his civil engineering degree from Penn State University and his engineering experience with LandStudies to commission as an Air Force officer.
Ryan contributed a lot to LandStudies as an Engineer in Training I. He stepped in to provide much-needed CADD support for work with the Maryland Department of State Highway Administration, meeting some very aggressive deadlines. He also developed training materials to advance the technical skills of other employees in the company.
Colleague Ben Uhler said of Ryan, “His willingness to dig into new territory and his positive attitude were much appreciated.” We thank Ryan for all his great work and look forward to hearing about his experiences serving the United States via the Air Force. Congratulations Ryan, and all the best!