Lancaster churches receive stormwater management recognition
Several Churches in the City of Lancaster have adopted measures to reduce the discharge of untreated sewage and other pollutants into waterways from aging stormwater infrastructure. Saint James Episcopal Church and Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster (CMCL) are highlighted in the Sacred Places Magazine (Winter 2019 edition, pp. 6-7) for providing social and environmental benefits to the community.
The Community Mennonite Church project was designed by RGS Associates and constructed by LandStudies, Rogele, Reliance Environmental, and BR Kreider, resulting in a new green parking lot that provide increased stormwater infiltration. Additional native plantings that were carefully selected and placed now filter the stormwater runoff, eliminating about 87.9% of yearly rainfall from entering the City’s combined sewer system.
These green infrastructure components provide cost-effective stormwater management that collects and infiltrates rain water that flows from downspouts, sidewalks, streets, and parking lots. In turn, the volume of stormwater entering the City’s combined sewer system is reduced. These sites are a part of the City’s effort for reduction in combined sewer overflows, along with achieving water quality improvements.