The Story of Streams
Our publication, Floodplain Restoration, tells the story of stream systems – stream channels and their adjacent floodplains—in the Eastern United States, particularly in the region known as the Piedmont Province. You will learn how stream systems are supposed to work, what happened to our stream systems when we began to settle the East Coast, and why it is so important to restore them as much as possible to their original condition. You will learn about the numerous components in a stream system and how, when they are working in concert, the benefits are numerous and vital to our environment, our economy, our culture, and our communities.
All Is Not Well
For some years we’ve known that all is not well with our rivers and streams, but until recently, we focused our efforts primarily on the water channels. Through the field work we’ve done and observations we’ve made at LandStudies, coupled with the invaluable research of our colleagues, Dr. Arthur Parola at the University of Louisville, and Drs. Dorothy Merritts and Robert Walter at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, we now know that much of the work to repair our streams should first be focused on the floodplains and the “legacy sediments” that have filled them.
Floodplain Restoration
Floodplain restoration, as described and discussed in this publication, is based on a process that puts the stream channel and floodplain at or very near their historical elevations and locations. What you will read in this publication is only the beginning of a complex, still-evolving tale. Our intent is to help you understand the basics of the story, the value and importance of floodplain restoration, and how properly restored stream systems can benefit you.
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