Bull Run Greenway and Kidsburg Nature Playground
After several years of planning and preparation, the Bull Run Greenway and Kidsburg Nature Playground were officially opened in late June 2022. LandStudies President Kelly Gutshall attended the opening ceremony and said, “This project is a great example of how a stream and floodplain restoration project can be combined with park system improvements to benefit a community at-large.”
LandStudies’ Justin Spangler, PE, worked with HRG Inc., Brian Auman, RLA of BSA / LA, and the Borough of Lewisburg to design the stream and floodplain restoration project for Bull Run within Hufnagle Park. In addition to the watershed improvements, the project includes an extension of the Buffalo Valley Rail Trail and two new playgrounds. This work is the latest piece of the multi-phase Bull Run Greenway Improvements Project, which began in 2016, and is a wonderful example of cooperation among multiple agencies and organizations: Lewisburg Borough, PennDOT, the PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the First Community Foundation Partnership, SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG), and PlayPower/Playworld.
LandStudies and BSA / LA completed the Bull Run Watershed Action Plan in 2017 to address water quantity and quality in the greater Lewisburg community. The opening of the Bull Run Greenway is the first implementation of stream restoration that was prioritized in the Watershed Action Plan, with more to follow.

Photo of existing conditions. After restoration conditions shown in header photo.